Thursday, June 12, 2008

More Pics of Brumbaugh Visit

Brumbaugh Visit

We had a visit from a very dear family, the Brumbaughs. Melissa is also one of my closest friends on this planet. They live in Wyoming and came for a week the first part of May. They lived in Custer, SD when we did. Sweet sweet family. We started off by meeting them at my folks house near Mtn Home. Papa took Dave and Martin fishing. Then we went to Silver Dollar City. It was a great time because there was hardly anyone there! You could literally stay on a ride to ride it again. The roller coasters were a hit. I even hopped on one because litte Abby (age 6) needed someone to ride with her. I figured if a 6 year old could do it I could too. What was I thinking?!?!? My eyes were closed the entire ride and I was praying that God would not allow me to die on that thing. The roller coaster was called PowderKeg. You go from 0-53 mph in 2.8 seconds. We also went to Pea Ridge National Park. What a fun week. We also let the Brumbaughs in on a secret that we were going to South Dakota at the end of the month. We knew Nicholas would not be able to get any school done if he knew about it so we waited to tell him until the week before we left. More about that in the next post.